Education and Youth Ministries!

The Bible teaches us to train up a child so he/she will not depart (Proverbs 22:6). Friends of Africa provide school supplies, desks, chairs, textbooks, computers and laptops to schools. To help facilitate an atmosphere of learning and to help ensure students have the supplies needed to aide in the learning process. Subjects we teach are computer training, Math, English and Science. We minister in schools ranging from pre-school to high school. We also provide mentoring to youth and young adults to help encourage and equip them to be fiery darts in the world. FoA also facilitates Scholarships and College Tuition assistance programs for students.
Our youth ministries also extend to local orphanages, While visiting to orphanages we aid the children as well as the facility by providing food, clothings, toys, and aid towards facility cost such as electric and water bills. But none of these things can happen without support from donors like you!

If you feel lead to support this ministry please use the link below to submit your donation!